Wednesday, August 22, 2012


PICKED is three. I wanted to bake a cake for the occasion, have you over for a wee party- but Avery broke my oven.  (The thermostat knob actually can spin around and around and around- if you will it to do so, as Ave did.)  So it was just with a quiet acknowledgement- last week- that I said happy birthday to my little blog.  My own little personal piece of the internetter (as the boys refer to it as).  Do you get nostalgic about anniversaries and birthdays?  How about ones for things- like for web logs? When I started writing, It was with the intention to promote my little fledgling business- which it has- but it has grown to become so much more.    

For those of you that have been here, reading for a while- you know I am always out to compare our lives (okay, mine) to the movies and there are two separate quotes from "You've Got Mail" that just seem to ring true almost every time I turn on the computer to write to you.  (And how fitting for this year, in a small homage to Nora Ephron?) 

"The odd thing about this form of communication is that you're more likely to talk about nothing than something.  But I just want to say that all of this nothing has meant more to me than so many somethings."

Its so true.  All of these ramblings of mine have meant so much something- to me.  Thank you for sharing them with me, for being there with me- wherever you might be.  

"Sometimes I wonder about my life.  I lead a small life- well, valuable, but small- and sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave? So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book..." (ha... or a movie!) "...when shouldn't it be the other way around?  I don't really want an answer.  I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void.  So good night dear void."  
 So here's to trying to be brave.  Here's to another year... to another three.... I hope you'll be with me, to share it all, dearest void.

(Pictures from the other anniversaries of Picked- it seems to have become a bit of a tradition, to revisit. You can too, here- here and here.)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Picked! I had to look more than twice at those gorgeous photos - Iris Evangeline is looking much happier this year. She's in the swing of things now! And I'm very envious of that lovely green hydrangea in front of your home. I bet that gets picked by the armful all summer long. Have just visited my favourite florist here this morning, and treated myself to a few blooms - gorgeous pink rununculas & anenomes with my old favourite jasmine. Life is on the up!x



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