Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We All Scream 4 Ice Cream!

The year Jay and I got married, Martha Stewart Weddings editor Darcy Miller also got married and started a frenzied trend on the candy buffet. Who wouldn't want to feel Oompa Loopa like at a place where there is a chance nobody might notice how many times you have been up to the buffet? This picture is from
Rebecca Thuss, a former MS Weddings gal herself. Ahh, yummy....

I did flowers for a wedding a couple of years ago and they took it up a notch and had an ice cream buffet. Create-a-cone if you will. I have noticed that this has become increasingly more popular. These beautiful, fun and ice cream dreamy pictures are from Eat Drink Chic.

Admit it, you want one of those cherries right now, don't you? So, having noticed that the ice cream bar (ha ha) has become very en vogue, I was amused and (secretly, well okay- outwardly) delighted when an ice cream truck pulled up exclusively for a birthday party we were attending for one of Ezra's friends this weekend. Anything we wanted? Free? Oh my god! I am so grateful I wasn't the only parent in line. Come on- tell me that you haven't fantasized at least once about going to town on the ice cream truck! Childlike delight in all sizes.

As I stood in line I started to watch what people got, and noticed some trends. Stay with me here for a moment and see what you think. Most of the kids (heavy on the boys) went for those dreaded does -not- taste- like- ice- cream- at -all Batman heads on a stick (complete with gumball eyes). The girls gravitated towards Hello Kitty heads, also with gumball eyes. The teenagers who were obviously tagging along for free ice cream all got exactly the same thing: the over sized bomb pops. (Freudian?) The over 65 crowd all had the plain jane Fudge-sicles or Eskimo Pies. The two pregnant ladies both had gooey turtle bars. The gals who didn't talk to anyone else but themselves all got lemon ices in the self contained tubs. (I hate those wooden spoons.) The few people that I made chit chat with- I didn't know any of the adults-we all seemed to get the same thing also, the chocolate chip cookie sandwich, rolled in chocolate chips. (!) When there is a choice out of, I don't know 30 or so treats, don't you think its interesting that the variety was so limited? Yes, there was some deviation, but very little. Does your preference of ding-ding man desserts say something about your personality, or perhaps your generation? I know I read waaaay too much into things, but after my "controlled" experiment, I kind of wonder. What a great idea for a party. My only complaint was that here, everyone would have noticed if I went back for seconds.
Image courtesy of flickr


  1. So what kind did you end up with?

  2. I too was part of the chocolate chip sandwich crowd...ooops...I'll fix that!



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