Thursday, April 19, 2012


I have been trying to bring my camera with me everywhere I go. Mostly everywhere. I usually have a purse, a diaper bag, a few stuffed animals, some snacks and juice-boxes with me (in addition to 3 kids) so why not a camera too? You would think I would carry it to capture moments with my children...but I cannot tell a lie- its to take pictures like these...of the trees.

Glorious blooming dogwood. Dainty and lacy and lovely to look at.

We were driving when I saw this tree. It was so pretty, I had to pull over. I had to take its picture. (I also had to put on my hazard lights, had to run into someone's front yard, had to explain to the kids why I was pulling over for no apparent reason, had to tell them no, they could not get out of the car, and had to apologize for the embarrassment that their mother apparently caused her very self-conscious six year old. )

It was just too sweet to pass by. (Drive by?)

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